Art of Software Development!

I am a solid team contributor, good team player and interested in addressing client’s requirements to provide efficient and cost-effective solutions. Here is a brief technical summary of my expertise and experience.

Excellent server side development experience and good front end UI development experience. Solid experience in Object Oriented Programming, design and implementation of multi-tier applications using Java, J2EE, JDBC, JSP, JSTL, HTML, Struts 2.0, Servlets, JavaBeans, EJB, XML, XSLT, JAXP, JAXB. Strong experience in enterprise level applications development using Spring (Spring Core, Spring Application Context, Spring ORM, Spring DAO, Spring MVC, Spring JDBC), Struts and Hibernate JPA.

Experience in Spring Web Services with Castor, securing web services using Spring Secuirty. Knowledge of REST architecture, RESTful web services. Knowledge of JAXWS, JAXRS, Jersey, Apache CXF, RestEasy framework for developing high performance RESTful web services. Good knowledge of Spring MVC framework and creating restful web services using Spring MVC.

Experience in creating and working on web applications using Maven. Good understanding of maven dependencies and POM.xml.

Experience in Apache Camel routing for integration of different applications, such as reading messages from file streams and JMS Queues and processing and routing the messages based on its headers. Integrated applications to process rating data from mainframe and file streams.

Experience in SOAP and Restful web services using Apache CXF. Experience in creating mock web services using SoapUi and deploying them on Tomcat server.

Knowledge of Spring Data Rest to expose entities as rest services and Spring Data JPA for implementation of data access layer.

Experience in creating, deploying, running and administering Web2.0 websites based on PHP, MySQL, Apache, jQuery, jQuery UI, AJAX. Experience in creating rich Web2.0 user interfaces using jQuery, jQuery UI, DHTML and jQuery plugins and AJAX.